How to Spot Hypothermia in Your Pet
The temperatures may be dropping, but your furry friend still wants to go outside to play, exercise, and eliminate. Wet snow, melting ice, and freezing temperatures can lead to hypothermia in your pet, even with their fur coat.
Hypothermia prevention in pets
When heading outside with your four-legged friend, take the following steps to keep them warm, dry, and at a normal body temperature:
- Put a waterproof coat on your pet
- Keep your pet away from melting ice and slush
- Outfit your pet with well-fitting booties to protect their paws
- Dry your pet thoroughly when you come back inside
- Walk in areas sheltered from strong winds by trees and buildings
If, despite your best efforts, your pet becomes hypothermic, warm them up by bringing them indoors. Dry them off and wrap them in warm towels out of the dryer. You also can use a hot water bottle to help increase your pet’s body temperature, but wrap it in a towel to avoid placing it directly on their skin.
Hypothermia signs in pets
When a pet becomes too cold, its body responds by shunting blood away from the extremities to the core to ensure the organs stay warm. If your pet develops hypothermia, you may notice the following signs as their body temperature drops:
- Shivering
- Muscle stiffness
- Lethargy
- Pale gums
- Confusion
- Shallow or slowed breathing
- Irregular or delayed heart rate
- Dilated pupils
As hypothermia worsens, your pet will stop shivering and may slip into a coma. Keep an eye out for initial hypothermia signs to prevent your pet from becoming too cold.
Hypothermia risk factors for pets
While hypothermia can affect any pet, some have a more increased risk. They include:
- Very young or old pets
- Shorthaired pets
- Small pets
- Pets unused to cold conditions
- Pets with heart or kidney disease
- Pets in shock
- Pets with endocrine disorders
Environmental factors that can make hypothermia more likely include:
- Wet conditions
- Strong winds
- Rapidly dropping temperatures
Hypothermia can be a life-threatening condition for your pet without immediate treatment. Contact our team for help if your four-legged friend’s body temperature drops below 98 degrees.