by The Animal Hospital of Adel | Feb 11, 2021 | Blog
We know your pets are itching to get outside and enjoy the outdoors! We want to make sure you know any hidden dangers they could run into at the dog park. We made a list of a few hazards for your furry friend: #1: Canine interactions are not supervised by...
by The Animal Hospital of Adel | Jan 21, 2021 | Blog
Although cats and small dogs may have similar calorie requirements, the similarity ends there. Dogs have evolved to handle starchy carbs, while cats still need to subsist primarily on a meat-based diet. Your feline friend is an obligate carnivore, meaning she must eat...
by The Animal Hospital of Adel | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog
Planning a car ride for you and your furry friend? Before you go, ensure your pet is prepared for the ride with the following tips. #1: Keep your pet safe with restraints The same way you buckle your seatbelt before putting your car in drive, you should also...
by The Animal Hospital of Adel | Nov 11, 2020 | Blog
No matter the circumstances that caused a senior pet to end up at an animal shelter or rescue, most are affectionate, trained, and loyal companions. November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month and we are giving you five reasons why senior pets make the best pets! #1:...
by The Animal Hospital of Adel | Nov 11, 2020 | Blog
In addition to the family, friends, and fellowship associated with Thanksgiving, there’s a huge catch—the food. Your pet likely agrees the best parts of this holiday are the assorted savory side dishes, delicious desserts, and the star of the show—the Thanksgiving...