When Should I Schedule My First Pet Dental Cleaning?
When Should I Schedule My First Pet Dental Cleaning? Every pet is different, and so is the time frame in which they need their teeth cleaned. However, here are three signs that mean your four-legged friend would benefit from a professional pet dental cleaning....

Signs Your Pet Could Be in an Emergency
Signs Your Pet Could Be in an Emergency Summertime comes with a host of hazards for pets, but colder weather also brings its own threats. As the temperature slips, watch out for the following issues that can require emergency care for your furry friend. ...

Fix Your Pet’s Skin Quickly With These Helpful Treatments
Fix Your Pet’s Skin Quickly With These Helpful Treatments As temperatures continue to drop, so do humidity levels in your home and outdoors. A drop in humidity often leads to dry, itchy skin and can leave your furry pal uncomfortable during the winter months....

Indoor Enrichment Ideas for Pets During the Winter
Indoor Enrichment Ideas for Pets During the Winter When the weather outside becomes too cold and snowy, it can be challenging to find ways to entertain your pet inside. Spice up their exercise routine with the following fun interactive games and toys to help...

How to Spot Hypothermia in Your Pet
How to Spot Hypothermia in Your Pet The temperatures may be dropping, but your furry friend still wants to go outside to play, exercise, and eliminate. Wet snow, melting ice, and freezing temperatures can lead to hypothermia in your pet, even with their fur...

3 Benefits of Regular Pet Grooming
3 Benefits of Regular Pet Grooming Pet Groomer Awareness Day is celebrated on November 1 and draws attention to the important task groomers undertake when caring for your furry companion. Regular pet grooming not only keeps your pet looking their best, but it...

How to Make a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet
How to Make a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet While you are drooling over a heaping plate, so is your pet. After all, an overloaded table filled with your favorite dishes is one of Thanksgiving’s highlights. However, many popular Thanksgiving foods are...

Help Your Senior Pet Remain Mobile With These Tips
Help Your Senior Pet Remain Mobile With These Tips As your pet reaches their senior years, they likely will experience stiff, achy joints caused by osteoarthritis. Fortunately, you have many options to help keep your senior pet active and mobile throughout...

5 Pet Safety Tips for Inside & Outside the Home
5 Pet Safety Tips for Inside & Outside the Home If you have a curious pet, take precautions so they don't land themself in a heap of trouble. In honor of National Animal Safety and Protection Month, our team shares tips on how to keep your furry pal safe...

How We Keep Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia
How We Keep Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia Your pet’s safety is our number one priority, particularly when they undergo anesthesia and surgical procedures. We want to put your fears about anesthesia to rest. We are sharing three of the many ways we strive to...